So many lives to touch

May 18, 2016

“When we lend a helping hand, maybe we’ll begin to understand what is right and what is wrong. And when we dream another’s dream, instead of doing our own thing, maybe we’ll sing a different song and WE’LL BE MORE OF WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS!”

These are the lyrics of the official Pink Trees for Pauline song. Not just beautiful lyrics to be sung on a stage somewhere…but what we know happens when volunteers in towns all over South Africa take hands and wrap their towns in pink!

In 2014 the project was done in 101 towns with the population of an estimated 3 720 342 of which more than 75% are disadvantaged.  This means that almost 4 million people SAW the message of hope that Pink Trees for Pauline brings.  It also means that thousands of people were touched and helped by this project so passionately driven by volunteers.

During 2015 CANSA implemented the project in over 40 towns.  With all the CANSA resources and volunteers available at least 20% more of the population of South Africa were reached during the 2015 campaign!  What exciting prospects to know we are going to touch so many more lives during the 2016 campaign!

John Wesley said “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can.”

Wise words to take to heart and savour.  Wise words to ponder and to fuel yourself with for this year’s project!