Even though we can only accompany Stephan and Ben on their quest through social media and pictures, it does not take anything away from the fact that they are showing almost super human strength while competing in the Cape Epic. ± 700km over 8 days with climbs of up to 2200m per day. The most important rule of the Cape Epic is that the team must stay together during the entire race and they must finish together. To make this race remotely possible an extensive support team is working behind the scenes and always at the ready to help. One cannot help but think how similar this is to our journey through life…
Ken Poirot said “Give Compassion: Every day the average person fights epic battles never told just to survive.” The real heroes are not only those who inspire others to conquer their challenges by sharing their stories. You are a hero for taking someone’s hand and helping them to finish their journey, or by just letting them know you are there to support them.
What you are going through on your journey might be your ‘Cape Epic’. You do not have to go through it alone. J.C. Marino wrote “In every journey comes a moment… one like no other. And in that moment, you must decide between who you are… and who you want to be.”
You do not have to be super human…take someone’s hand…