How about we make 2016 a year of memorable moments?
May we…
…be prepared to walk the extra mile with all in need…
…take up responsibility instead of making excuses…
…see unlimited solutions instead of discussing problems…
…put aside our own ideas for the sake of a greater good…
…be brave to live our dreams and to evoke the dreams of others…
…pave the way and clear the obstacles so to ease another’s journey…
…learn to listen well and with our hearts before responding…
…never think we have arrived but instead continue to grow and be teachable…
…set aside complaining and be thankful instead…
…live our lives as an example to others…
…laugh more…
…guard our hearts and hurt much less…
…seize every moment and make it count…
…care less about winning and more about enjoying the pathway to the finish line…
…empty ourselves so that at the end we can say ‘’I lived a life of completeness, I loved life, I grew during times of testing, I acted on my dreams and I fulfilled God’s will for my life.’’