Pink Trees for Pauline proud to be more of what the world needs!

Sep 27, 2021

Wrapped in Hope in association with CANSA CARE


The 2021 Pink Trees for Pauline drive, #doekwithadifference (a colourful head wrap), in association with the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) will again reach communities far and wide for the 3 rd consecutive year.

“When we lend a helping hand, maybe we’ll begin to understand what is right and what is wrong. And when we dream another’s dream, instead of doing our own thing, maybe we’ll sing a different song and we’ll be more of what the world needs!” “These lyrics of the official Pink Trees for Pauline song express the passion with which representatives of Pink Trees for Pauline dedicate themselves to the cause of helping those affected by cancer” says Adri Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, MD of Pink Trees for Pauline. “The organisation has gone from strength to strength since 2012 and for the last 4 years raised more funds specifically for care and support programmes for cancer patients and those affected by cancer with the support of CANSA”, Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen stated.

Gerda Strauss, CANSA’s Head of Service, “CANSA is passionate about patient care and serving our patients. During COVID-19, the needs of our patients and their loved ones increased dramatically. Through our long-term partnership with Pink Trees for Pauline, we’re able to make a tremendous impact through the funds raised and help our patients that need us the most with items like Nappies, meal replacements, wheelchairs and other medical assistive devices. CANSA values this relationship and we’re looking forward to a fantastic 2021 campaign where we can make a difference to the lives of many cancer patients around the country.”

Strauss went further to say “The impact achieved in the previous financial year to date includes: Painting and upgrading three CANSA Care Homes in Pretoria, George and Cape Town and subsidised home stays and the CANSA Care Homes for patients; funding of five breast cancer patients with prothesis and bras; expanded the range of medical equipment (10 wheel chairs, seven eggshell mattresses and six walkers); supporting poor communities regularly with nappies and meal replacements for bedridden patients; a total of five new 2 breast models and four pop up clinics for awareness and screening and subsidised home- based care to patients with no or low income who cannot afford the basic fee for service for three to six patients per month (can be daily or weekly visits).”

The public and business sector can contribute to this worthy cause all while making life more colourful. The unique head wraps are sold for R100 each, earrings for R50 and pink fabric for wrapping trees for R30 p/m. Pink Trees for Pauline invites all clubs, workplaces, schools, institutions and individuals to embrace #doekwithadifference OR wrap a tree in their
community in pink.

To get your #doekwithadifference, please contact Adri Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen

Cancer Alliance
CANSA Toll-free– 0800 22 66 22