Your Voice

Jun 22, 2016

There are no words to describe the elation when we, at Pink Trees for Pauline hear from YOU, our supporters and volunteers.  Never forget that we cherish your input because you are the heartbeat of this project.

The post on the Pink Trees for Pauline Facebook page for today, 22 June 2016, was a quote of Malala Yousafazi: “We realise the importance of our voice when we are silenced.”  When we received a message from a Fb follower sharing her journey in her own words we knew that those words were meant to be shared.  They are the words at the core of this cause…YOUR words…

“I have been a supporter on FB for quite a while now, have also done my trees in support of cancer week, never ever thinking that I would be there one day as well.  You always think of everybody else that has it.  Well, I was diagnosed on the 16th May 2016 with Stage 2 breast cancer but my clever surgeon did more than a biopsy he removed the entire lump and the lymph nodes in question.  By doing this I could start with chemo “straight away” after all the other tests.  Had my first chemo on the 6th June and went better than I thought.  Had one really bad day but the good days outweigh the bad day.  I know I can do this and will do this. Monday I started moulting but I am not brave enough to shave it all off, I will just moult and moult and see where it gets me.”

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Know that you are in our hearts. Be Blessed!