In February much emphasis is placed on romance and love. It is however also the month when International Cancer Day and International Childhood Cancer Day is celebrated. Love made visible needs to be cherished and celebrated and with this blog we would like to take you on a journey that will lift your heart…
During the first Vallei tot Vallei Cycle Tour the paths of our 18 daring cyclists crossed that of Tashrique Botha, a shy 6 year old boy on crutches …the start of a story nothing short of miraculous!
Tashrique was standing underneath a tree with his friends just outside Fairview. He immediately touched the hearts of the cyclists and the group were moved by the brave little boy who, although left crippled, conquered cancer. Tashrique’s leg was amputated after he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the right leg. He could not wear his prosthesis as it was much too big and it hurt him. He moved around on crutches and unfortunately because of that he was not allowed on the playground at school as the teachers were scared he might get hurt.
After discussions with Tashrique’s parents and school the funds raised with the first Vallei tot Vallei Cycle Tour 2015, together with donations from Pinnacle Marketing and the Insure Group, were allocated to obtain the correct prosthesis in order to help him lead a more ‘normal’ life. Eugene Rossouw, Prosthetist from Melkbosstrand, consulted with Tashrique and manufactured the correct prosthesis with so much care that the results were remarkable. The care will not stop there as a close eye will be kept on Tashrique’s development and growth.
Mother Teresa said “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” 18 heroes and two companies with tremendous hearts changed the life of a child. Tashrique can play now…do the stuff little boys are supposed to do. Smile as you think of him. Let your heart dance! This is love made visible.